Search Results without Borders

Don’t speak Spanish but looking for search results in Spanish? No problem, go to Google Translate, translate the query, and go back to Google and do the search. Hmm, do you notice that there are a lot of back and forth going on? Now, with the new feature on Google Translate, you can do it in less steps.

Go to Google Translate, click on the Search Results tab, type in your query and choose your language and the language you want the results to be in… Err, it’s probably just as much as complicated with the long URL it has. Anyways, with this new feature, you can see the results of the original language and the translated version juxtaposed against each other on the same page for comparing. It’s not a bad way to learn a new language*. :)

*quotes Google: While machine translation is not perfect, it’s usually good enough for you to obtain the gist of information in a language you might otherwise be unable to access.