Machine Translations and Google
Friday, January 1, 2010
Incredibly, Google also has a dictionary, too .. Which means we do not have to search-translation in a general dictionary, but Google also provides a dictionary in the world. "GOOGLE TRANSLATION"
See Ian images Machine Translations and Google is.
Machine Translations, and Google has been a new change. Machine Translations and now Google is even better.
Have the ability to translate not only a word or phrase. But also to translate the entire content of the website into several languages with almost perfect accuracy. Unfortunately, the Indonesian language has not entered in it. Click here to go to Google Translate.
“Google Translate” has been in beta for a number of years now. Before Google’s free tool, many users turned to Babelfish at Altavista (now Yahoo) for their translation needs, but Google has clearly taken the lead.
Google Translate currently offers 54 languages that you can translate to and from, and from what I’ve seen, the more content you provide, the better the integrity of the translation itself. Unlike other machine translation systems, Google doesn’t offer multiple language dictionaries like other systems do. This is a good thing as its sometimes difficult to know which dictionary to choose when requesting translations.
Machine translations are no substitute for human translations – yet. The systems are still maturing, though we’ve seen marked improvements over the past 5 years. In my personal experience with machine translations, Google does come up as the winner. Google’s behind-the-scenes “magic” is truly the way in which it does the translation – statistical analysis. You see, Google has a massive database of information (as if you didn’t already know this), and they use statistical learning to guide the accuracy of translations over time. I.e. the more we feed to Google Translate, the better translations will be overall.
Today, Google announced their upcoming web OS, called “Google Chrome OS.” We’re still almost a year away from its release, but it will be very interesting to see how they integrate their machine translations into the OS itself – or if they even attempt it on their first release.
When having casual online dialogue (email, chat, etc), Google Translate can be a great tool to facilitate easy translations. However, for deep translations of documents, web sites, etc – human translators are still the strategic direction to head in.
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