Password Hacking Facebook
Sunday, January 24, 2010
This article discusses computer came back on about Facebook. This time the topic is How to Articles Computer Password Hacking Facebook. [Att: "This topic just mere Education; all the consequences that happen to be the responsibility of each yes ..." ]
User ID (Username) and Password is a tool that identification is very urgent for an account. If the User ID (username) and password to an account falls into unauthorized hands it could have been the things that are not in want. This topic was published with the aim of the Netter (Facebook-er) is more careful about access to the account you have.
Here's how that can be done by anyone to try to find a password that Facebook Facebook-er have, is to open the typed password is usually converted into a round symbol or the stars. This can run smoothly on Facebook-er who fails to open with the status facebooknya remember, when Facebook opened automatically re-display the User ID (username) and passwornya. So under these conditions was the password in the form of symbol can appear in ASCI characters or letters or numbers.
How to do is to enter a script created with Javascript to Address bar of your browser and do not use the enter key. But click the arrows at the end of the browser, wait a while then will appear a popup that contains the password you are looking for.
"It can also be done to see the password email"
To get his script please Download [here]
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